Last weekend, a family confraternization in Torres, in the North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, ended in tragedy after the consumption of a cake which resulted in the death of three people and left two other hospitals. Laboratory analyses identified the presence of arsenic in the blood of victims, raising suspicions of poisoning or food poisoning.
What is the arsenic and what are your risks?
Arsenic is a highly chemical element toxic substance, present in more than 200 minerals such as copper, lead, cobalt, gold, nickel and zinc. In contact with humans, it can cause from gastrointestinal symptoms to more serious complications such as cancer and death. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies arsenic as one of the 10 substances of major concern for public health.

Details of the incident in Torres
During the fraternization, seven members of the same family consumed the cake. Three of them died after suffering cardiorespiratory arrests: Neuza Denize Silva dos Anjos, 65 years old; Tatiana Denize Silva dos Santos, 43 years old; and Maida Berenice Flores da Silva, 58 years old. Other two people, including woman who prepared the cake and his 10-year-old grandson were hospitalized and clinically stable.
The investigations revealed that the woman who prepared the cake was the only one to consume two slices, presenting the highest concentration of arsenic in the blood. The police work with the hypotheses of intentional poisoning or food poisoning due to the use of defeated ingredients. In the residence of the cook, several products were found outside the validity, including the flour used in the recipe.
Possible connection with another suspicious case
The delegate responsible for the case, Marcos Vinícius Veloso, reported that the ex-husband of the woman who prepared the cake died in September, also on suspicion of food poisoning. At the time, death was considered natural and not investigated. With recent events, the police installed an investigation and requested the exhumation of the body to verify a possible connection between the cases.

What is arsenic and how does intoxication occur?
Arsenic is a semimetal present in several minerals and can be released in the environment through natural activities, such as volcanic eruptions, or by human actions, such as mining and use of pesticides. A intoxication by arsenic usually occurs by ingestion of contaminated water or food. Initial symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, skin redness, muscle pain and weakness, and may evolve into more severe and fatal complications.
Preventive measures and ongoing research
Authorities recommend attention to food consumption prepared with dubious or out-of-life origin ingredients. In the case of symptoms of intoxication after eating food, it is essential to seek immediate medical care. The Civil Police continue investigating the case in Torres to determine the exact circumstances of the incident and whether there was criminal intent in poisoning of victims.
For more information on the case and details about the arsenic, check out the following video:
Sources: G1 | Diário do Nordeste | Correio Braziliense